Slay the Spire Wiki

A debuff is a negative ongoing effect given to the character or an enemy by certain Cards, Relics, or Potions.

Debuffs can be negated by the Icon Artifact Artifact Buff. OrangePellets Orange Pellets will remove all debuff on the character if the player successfully played Attack, Skill, and Power in the same turn.

Debuffs may stack by duration, lasting X turns, or by intensity, applying their effect with X power. Some debuffs do not stack at all.

Shared Debuffs[]

Debuffs that can be found from multiple sources in the game, both in the player's arsenal and from enemies.

Icon Name Effects Stacks?
Icon Confused Confused The costs of your cards are randomized on draw, from 0 to 3. No
Dexterity Dexterity (Negative) Decreases Icon Block Block gained from cards by X. Intensity
Icon StrengthDown Dexterity Down At the end of your turn, lose X Icon Dexterity Dexterity. Intensity
Icon Focus Focus (Negative) Decreases the effectiveness of your Orbs by X. Intensity
Icon Frail Frail Icon Block Block gained from cards is reduced by 25%. Duration
Icon NoDraw No Draw You may not draw any more cards this turn. No
Icon Poison Poison At the beginning of its turn, the target loses X HP and 1 stack of Icon Poison Poison. Intensity and Duration
Icon Shackled Shackled At the end of its turn, regains X Icon Strength Strength. Intensity
Icon Slow Slow The enemy receives (X*10)% more damage from attacks this turn. Whenever you play a card, increases X by 1. Intensity
Icon Strength Strength (Negative) Decreases attack damage by X. Intensity
Icon StrengthDown Strength Down At the end of your turn, lose X Icon Strength Strength. Intensity
Icon Vulnerable Vulnerable Target takes 50% more damage from attacks. Duration
Icon Weak Weak Target deals 25% less attack damage. Duration

Icon Name Target Cards Enemy Other
Icon Confused Confused Player Snecko SneckoEye Snecko Eye
Dexterity Dexterity (Negative) Player Lagavulin, Bear Icon WraithForm Wraith Form
Icon StrengthDown Dexterity Down Player Yang-0 Duality, SpeedPotion Speed Potion
Icon Focus Focus (Negative) Player Reprogram, Hyperbeam Spire Shield Icon Bias Bias
Icon Frail Frail Player Shame Spike Slime, Spheric Guardian, Shelled Parasite, Snake Plant, Mystic, The Champ, The Collector, Maw, Time Eater (Ascension 19+), Corrupt Heart
Icon NoDraw No Draw Player Battle Trance,

Bullet Time

Icon Poison Poison Enemy Deadly Poison,

Poisoned Stab, Bouncing Flask, Crippling Cloud, Noxious Fumes, Corpse Explosion, Envenom

TwistedFunnel Twisted Funnel, PoisonPotion Poison Potion
Icon Shackled Shackled Enemy Piercing Wail,

Dark Shackles

Transient's Icon Shifting Shifting
Icon Slow Slow Enemy Giant Head Time DilationTime Dilation Modifier
Icon Strength Strength (Negative) Enemy Disarm,

Piercing Wail, Malaise, Dark Shackles

Player Lagavulin, Spire Shield
Icon StrengthDown Strength Down Player Flex,MutagenicStrength Mutagenic Strength SteroidPotion Flex Potion
Icon Vulnerable Vulnerable Enemy Bash,

Thunderclap, Uppercut, Shockwave, Terror, Beam Cell, Crush Joints (If used after a Skill card), Indignation (If used while in Wrath)

BagofMarbles Bag of Marbles, HandDrill Hand Drill (Whenever you break an enemy's Icon Block Block). FearPotion Fear Potion
Player Berserk Red Slaver, Fungi Beast's Icon SporeCloud Spore Cloud, Gremlin Nob, The Guardian, Chosen, Snecko, The Champ, The Collector, Writhing Mass, Time Eater, Corrupt Heart
Icon Weak Weak Enemy Clothesline,

Intimidate, Shockwave, Uppercut, Neutralize, Sucker Punch, Crippling Cloud, Leg Sweep, Malaise, Go for the Eyes (If target intends to attack), Sash Whip (If used after an Attack card), Wave of the Hand (Whenever you gain Icon Block Block that turn after using it)

RedMask Red Mask, ChampionBelt Champion Belt (Whenever you apply Icon Vulnerable Vulnerable), WeakPotion Weak Potion
Player Doubt Green Louse, Acid Slime, Fat Gremlin, Blue Slaver, The Guardian, Chosen, Snake Plant, The Champ, The Collector, Maw, Writhing Mass, Time Eater, Corrupt Heart GremlinMask Gremlin Visage

Unique Debuffs[]

Debuffs that comes from a single source.

Icon Name Target Sources Effects Stacks?
Icon Bias Bias Player Biased Cognition At the start of your turn, lose X Icon Focus Focus. Intensity
Icon TalktotheHand Block Return Enemy Talk to the Hand Whenever you attack this enemy, gain X Icon Block Block. Intensity
Icon Choke Choked Enemy Choke Whenever you play a card this turn, the targeted enemy loses X HP. Intensity
Icon Restricted Constricted Player Spire Growth At the end of your turn, take X damage. Intensity
Icon CorpseExplosion Corpse Explosion Enemy Corpse Explosion On death, the enemy deals X times its Max HP worth of damage to all other enemies. Intensity
Icon DrawReduction Draw Reduction Player Time Eater Draw 1 less card next X turns. Duration
Icon Entangled Entangled Player Red Slaver You may not play any Attacks this turn. No
Icon Fasting Fasting Player Fasting Gain X less Energy at the start of each turn. Intensity
Icon Hex Hex Player Chosen Whenever you play a non-Attack card, add X Dazed to your draw pile. Intensity
Icon LockDown Lock-On Enemy Bullseye Lightning Lightning and Dark Dark orbs deal 50% more damage (rounded down) to the targeted enemy. Duration
Icon Mark Mark Enemy Pressure Points Whenever you play

Pressure Points, all enemy with Mark loses X HP.

Icon NoGuard No Block Player Panic Button You may not gain Icon Block Block from cards for the next X turns. Duration
Icon WraithForm Wraith Form Player Wraith Form Lose X Icon Dexterity Dexterity at the start of your turn. Intensity