Slay the Spire Wiki

Monsters are the ”basic enemies” of Slay the Spire, and landing on their icon on the map will incur a battle with one or more, depending on the floor. When they are defeated, they will drop coins, a selection of three cards, and sometimes a potion.

Act I[]


AcidSlimeIcon SpikeSlimeIcon CultistIcon JawWormIcon LousesIcon FungiBeastIcon GremlinsIcon LooterIcon BlueSlaverIcon RedSlaverIcon

First 3 encounters[]

Name Details Encounter chance
Cultist - 25%
Jaw Worm - 25%
2 Louses Each Louse has 50% chance of being either red or green. 25%
Small Slimes Acid Slime (M) or Spike Slime (M)

+ Acid Slime (S) or Spike Slime (S)


Remaining encounters[]

Name Details Encounter chance
Gremlin Gang 4 randomly chosen from 2 Mad, 2 Sneaky, 2 Fat, 1 Wizard and 1 Shield Gremlin. 6.25%
Large Slime Acid Slime (L) or Spike Slime (L). 12.5%
Lots of Slimes 3 Spike Slime (S) + 2 Acid Slime (S). 6.25%
Blue Slaver - 12.5%
Red Slaver - 6.25%
3 Louses Each Louse has 50% chance of being either red or green. 12.5%
2 Fungi Beasts - 12.5%
Exordium Thugs Any Louse or Acid/Spike Slime (M) + Looter or Cultist or Any Slaver. 9.375%
Exordium Wildlife Fungi Beast or Jaw Worm + Any Louses or Acid/Spike Slime (M). 9.375%
Looter - 12.5%

Act II[]


ByrdIcon ChosenIcon MuggerIcon ShelledParasiteIcon SphericGuardianIcon CenturionMysticIcon SentrySoloIcon SnakePlantIcon SneckoIcon


CultistIcon LooterIcon FungiBeastIcon GremlinsIcon BlueSlaverIcon RedSlaverIcon

First 2 encounters[]

Name Details Encounter chance
Spheric Guardian - 20%
Chosen - 20%
Shelled Parasite - 20%
3 Byrds - 20%
2 Thieves Looter + Mugger 20%

Remaining Encounters[]

Name Encounter chance
Chosen and Byrd 7%
Cultist and Chosen 10%
Sentry and Spheric Guardian 7%
Snake Plant 21%
Snecko 14%
Centurion and Mystic 21%
3 Cultists 10%
Shelled Parasite and Fungi Beast 10%

Act III[]


DarklingIcon OrbWalkerIcon ShapesIcon MawIcon SpireGrowthIcon TransientIcon WrithingMassIcon


CultistIcon JawWormIcon SphericGuardianIcon

First 2 encounters[]

Name Details Encounter chance
3 Darklings - 33.33%
Orb Walker - 33.33%
3 Shapes 3 randomly chosen from 2 Repulsors, 2 Spikers and 2 Exploders. 33.33%

Remaining encounters[]

Name Details Encounter chance
4 Shapes 4 randomly chosen from 2 Repulsors, 2 Spikers and 2 Exploders. 12.5%
Maw - 12.5%
Spheric Guardian and 2 Shapes Shapes are randomly chosen from Repulsors, Spikers and Exploders. 12.5%
3 Darklings - 12.5%
Writhing Mass - 12.5%
Jaw Worm Horde 3 Jaw Worms (Hard mode) 12.5%
Spire Growth - 12.5%
Transient - 12.5%