"Lose 1 HP" is not damage and will ignore Block. However, it can be reduced by Tungsten Rod.
If the Necronomicurse is played, a new one will be added to your hand. While this means you can't escape the Necronomicurse, you can play it as many times as you want, and that interaction can be exploited in a number of ways. It allows you to take arbitrary amounts of damage in one-damage increments, triggering useful on-damage effects like Rupture or Blood for Blood; each play still counts as an exhaust, so it will trigger on-exhaust effects like Dead Branch, Dark Embrace, Charon's Ashes; and each one counts as a card played, so it can trigger things like Panache or A Thousand Cuts.
Strange Spoon will cause Curses to sometimes not be exhausted, but instead discarded. The HP is still lost.
Fixed certain Status and Curses triggering their end of turn effects by playing them normally with Medical Kit or Blue Candle under specific circumstances.
Weekly Patch 41: Chill
The keyword 'exhausts' now shows the Exhaust hover tip (Blue Candle, etc).
Weekly Patch 40: Forethought
Blue Candle and Medical Kit wording changed to better reflect how they work with cards like Slimed.
Weekly Patch 10: Quality of Life
Fixed issue where Regret/Decay/Doubt/Burn fails to exhaust via Blue Candle and Medical Kit.
Weekly Patch 7: Setting Up All the Things
Blue Candle and Medical Kit should now work with Choke and Thousand Cuts.
Weekly Patch 5: Happy Holidays!
Blue Candle relic's flavor text typo fix.
Weekly Patch 3: Balance Balance
Strange Spoon affects cards exhausted by Medical Kit and Blue Candle now.
AfterImage now works when playing Curse/Status cards via Medical Kit and Blue Candle.