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Amplify is a Skill card for the Defect. It plays the next Power card this turn a second time, for no Energy. As a Rare card, it can be obtained after defeating a Boss. It is Defect's version of Burst and Double Tap.

Upon Upgrade, it will trigger for the 2nd Power card played in the same turn.

The second play is NOT added to your draw or discard pile.

The scaling buff from Amplify (and also from Burst and Double Tap) is the number of cards that will be played twice, not the number of times the card will be played. This means playing multiple Amplifies will add to the number of cards that will be played twice that turn, not make the next card play 3 or more times.


  • The second play will not cost any Energy, but it will trigger any other consequences of playing the card. For example, an Amplied Biased Cognition will cause you to lose focus twice as fast.
  • The second play of a card that costs X energy will use the same value of X as the first.
  • The second play acts as a separate card. This has interactions including, but not limited to:
    • InkBottle Ink Bottle, Pocketwatch Pocketwatch: Both plays count towards playing Power for their counters.
    • VelvetChoker Velvet Choker: Both plays count towards the amount of cards played for the turn.
    • Time Eater's Icon TimeWarp Time Warp power: Both plays increase the counter as usual. If the second power is the 13th action on his counter, it will NOT occur, unlike Velvet Choker.
  • The second play happens after the Power is sent to the draw, discard or Exhaust piles.

Update History[]

  • Weekly Patch 42: Loop
    • Updating icon for Amplify power.
  • Weekly Patch 27: Hello World
    • This week adds the long anticipated third character into the game!
    • A new character with unique mechanics, keywords, and art.
    • Content: 75 Cards.
BlueEnergy Defect Cards BlueEnergy